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laatst bijgewerkt door De Nubische 6 maanden geleden
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    • #13374
      Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk

      Music, Wealth and

      The Black Dollar –

      A Step Further!:






      Uit recente onderzoeken naar de kloof in welvaart tussen rassen blijkt dat de gemiddelde welvaart en het vermogen van een Afro-Amerikaans gezin ongeveer 100 miljoen euro bedragen. $9,590terwijl de gemiddelde rijkdom en activa van een blanke Amerikaanse familie rond de $130,800, volgens de Amerikaanse volkstelling van 2014. This indicates that Black wealth and assets constitute roughly 7% of those of White Americans on a per-family basis. Contrary to common knowledge, this disparity is widening rather than closing.


      De National Urban League‘s 2018 State of Black America Equality Index, which evaluates historical indices across five categories—Education, Economics, Health, Civic Engagement, and Social Justice—shows that the average working-class Black man earns 70% of what his White counterpart earns ($39,431 compared to $56,386, respectively). Similarly, the average working-class Black woman earns 82% of what her White counterpart earns ($35,382 compared to $43,346, respectively) (See Report – National Urban League, 2018).


      It is evident therefore, even without any knowledge of Political Economy, that there is still a significant disparity in the application of policies, and laws, between Black and White communities.


      Towards a sustainable Black Community:


      Black unity sets the cornerstone for Black cultural identity, Black economic success, and overall Black community advancement.


      Enhanced connectivity between Black families and Black-owned businesses fosters economic prosperity within the community, facilitates prolonged circulation of capital, and ensures that financial resources are reinvested locally. To establish such a community, it is imperative to study the historical precedents of successful Black communities, drawing insights from their achievements to replicate their models. Equally important is the analysis of their errors and declines to prevent repeating historical mistakes. A notable example is the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma, also known as Black Wall Street.


      The critical lesson derived from Black Wall Street is the demonstration of the effectiveness of a cohesive Black community. The success of this district can be largely attributed to Ottawa Gurley, the original landowner who purchased 40 acres and encouraged Black individuals to settle in this burgeoning community. Gurley’s unwavering commitment to prioritizing Black individuals in all aspects of his endeavors was instrumental in creating this sanctuary for Black residents.


      What Gurley accomplished was designed for the long term—for the benefit of generations who would never have the opportunity to meet him. His efforts can be regarded as “a blueprint for future generations.”


      Racial and Ethnic Enclaves:


      Black individuals are not the sole minority group that has attempted to establish a close-knit and integrated enterprising community in America. Numerous minority groups have sought to create their own communities as a refuge from discrimination. Prominent examples include Chinatowns, Little Italy in New York City, Koreatowns, New Braunfels, and Indian Reservations.


      What is therefore obvious is that a strong, and unified community counteracts the forces that promote disunity and economic disenfranchisement.


      A close-knit Black community will stand to shift the economic narrative, creating inter-connectivity among Black people and supporting Black businesses.


      To make a success of the Black community, and as outlined above, research and Insights are important in understanding the underlying factors, trends, and potential impacts that affect Black individuals and communities which provides the necessary data that drives innovation, policy development; leading to sustainable and effective decision making within our communities.


      Kendrick Lamars recent ‘power moves’ should go beyond peace and offer smart entrepreneurial cohesion within the Black community, now and for future generations.



    • #13663
      De Nubische
      Londen, Engeland, Verenigd Koninkrijk

      This moment was nothing short of legendary in hip hop history. Kendrick Lamar channeling Pac and Snoop’s verses with Dre was the ultimate mic drop. Ultimate power play!

Je moet ingelogd zijn om op dit onderwerp te kunnen reageren.

++ DSYF, door Idris Elba. ++

G-STAR x Burna Boy – In vorm.






De SMILE-ing Boys-project Door multidisciplinair kunstenaar Kay Rufai, is een door onderzoek geleid project voor mentaal welzijn voor Black & BAME-jongens in Londen. Volgen Kay Rufai op LinkedIn En @ UNIVERSULARTIST. »












    Meer TYPHOON-muziek: YOUTUBE >>>





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