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  • Auteur
    • #13750
      Discussions de la génération Z
      Londres, Royaume-Uni

      Afrobeats has the ability to bridge cultural and creative nuances. With projects like Beyoncé’s ‘The Gift’ and others, this marks only the beginning of a more profound cultural shift.

    • #13579
      Discussions de la génération Z
      Londres, Royaume-Uni

      Ce sujet est une source de préoccupation constante, en particulier dans la mesure où le monde du sport est devenu de plus en plus un champ de bataille pour la réintroduction et la perpétuation de notions régressives et conservatrices de sexe et de genre. Je voudrais apporter deux contributions essentielles à ce débat :


      1. The troubling history of sex “verification,” more accurately termed “gender testing” due to its disregard for the actual science of sex, has consistently been rooted in racism. The constructs of sex and gender binaries are inherently and explicitly racist, necessitating the racialized policing of bodies to enforce these categories.
      2. Discussions on this topic often neglect to address the absence of male athletes in the enforcement of these arbitrary sex standards. This omission raises important questions that must be explored.


      From a scientific perspective, testosterone is not exclusively a “male hormone.” All humans require testosterone to survive, although the levels vary significantly across the spectrum of sex. If we are to argue that testosterone confers an unfair advantage, we must also critically examine the advantages that individuals identified as men may receive in this context.


      It is also crucial to recognize that Imane’s gender identity may expose her to severe risks, particularly in cultural contexts where transgenderism can be life-threatening.

    • #13524
      Discussions de la génération Z
      Londres, Royaume-Uni

      Love this!!! Very insightful book choices by Yara Shahidi.


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