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AFROTECH represents a powerful opportunity for Black women to connect, learn, and grow within an environment that celebrates their identity and achievements. The fact that such events inspire discussion highlights their importance in challenging outdated corporate norms. Rather than being seen as disruptive, these spaces should be celebrated as essential for fostering creativity, innovation, and equity in the workplace. The courage of those who attend AFROTECH despite potential backlash is a testament to the resilience and determination of Black women to claim their rightful space in tech and beyond.
La afirmación de que la Generación Z es la generación con la que resulta más difícil trabajar tiene múltiples facetas y amerita un debate matizado.
Recomendable para @KempPowers y @PeterRamsey por intentar aumentar la inclusión y la representación en la industria de la animación. 💯!!
El álbum es una aventura artística poderosa y ambiciosa, que sigue el estilo singular de Beyoncé. Ella afirma el lugar que le corresponde en el género, aprovechando su talento incomparable como la única estrella pop con su increíble influencia.
Levi’s also altered its name on Instagram to “Levii’s” by appending an additional “i” to correspond with the title of the song.
Cultural revolution, right there!!!
@SUCULTURA Thank you for publishing this. What Dr. Candia-Bailey and others have experienced is sadly the reality for most Black women professionals in the US, UK, Europe and elsewhere. The health and cost implications are far too great to ignore. As mentioned in your article, these stories must inspire us to do more, and be more intentional in Collective Action.