ورغم أن مفهوم سندات الشتات يتمتع بجاذبية قوية، فإن نجاحه الملحوظ لم يُلاحظ إلا في دولتين: إسرائيل والهند.
إن جدوى مثل هذه البرامج محتملة، ولكنها ليست مضمونة.
Crucially, the success of a diaspora bond initiative is contingent upon the homeland’s [ie; Africa’s] effective establishment of grassroots connections and proactive engagement with its diverse diaspora.
As both the diaspora and the homeland undergo adaptive processes and engage in reciprocal learning, the evolution of mutual trust becomes pivotal.
Ultimately, it is this trust that serves as the decisive factor in determining the success or failure of a diaspora bond or any analogous relational program.