@genztalks, Although working right after high school can provide an immediate income, individuals with only a high school diploma often earn significantly less over their lifetime than college graduates. In some cases, delaying college could lead to lower cumulative lifetime earnings, as time spent outside the classroom might postpone access to…Read More
@genztalks While some jobs prioritize skills, many industries still highly value a college degree for long-term career advancement.
Many higher-paying jobs, especially in fields like medicine, engineering, law, and academia, require formal qualifications that can only be achieved through a college degree. Without a degree, individuals may hit…Read More
@genztalks A comprehensive education, inclusive of a university/college education provides a broad, foundational knowledge-base that goes beyond technical skills.
Courses in areas like critical thinking, communication, and interdisciplinary studies equip students with a well-rounded intellectual toolkit. These broader skills may not be gained…Read More
Lucas ilijibu mada The Influence of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) on Gen Z and Alpha kwenye jukwaa Gen Z and Millennials
Couldn’t agree more @genztalks!When non-Black speakers use AAVE without understanding or respecting its origins, it can lead to a shallow interpretation of the language. It reduces a rich cultural form of expression to mere slang.
Julian Cole ilijibu mada The Influence of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) on Gen Z and Alpha kwenye jukwaa Gen Z and Millennials
@genztalks You make some valid points.Black culture has contributed so much to current Gen-Z culture, and fashion.
For many within the Black community, AAVE isn’t just a set of trendy phrases. Indeed mis-use could strip terms of their historical and cultural meaning.J.
- Pakia Machapisho Zaidi