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    • #13459
      Il monetarista africano
      Lagos, Nigeria

      Visualizing the

      Most Widespread

      Blood Types in

      Every Country.







      Do you know your blood type? Blood is crucial to the proper functioning of the human body. It transports essential nutrients, facilitates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and carries white blood cells and antibodies to combat infections.


      However, not all blood is identical. The antigens present in an individual’s blood determine their blood type classification. There are eight common blood type groups, and with different combinations of antigens, there are a total of 36 human blood type groups.


      Using data sourced from Wikipedia, we can visualize the most prevalent blood types across the globe.


      Overall Distribution of Blood Types:


      Among the 8.5 billion people living in the world, spread across 195 countries and seven continents, the most common blood type is O+, with over 39% of the world’s population falling under this classification. In contrast, the rarest blood type is AB-, which only 0.40% of the population possesses.


      National and Regional Distribution of Blood Types:


      On a national level, these statistics vary due to different genetic factors influencing an individual’s blood type, revealing diverse patterns across countries and regions.




      O+ is a predominant blood group classification among African countries. Nations such as Ghana, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, E Egitto have a higher prevalence of individuals with O- blood types compared to AB+.


      See more in the below link:






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