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    • #13723
      Le monétariste africain
      Lagos, Nigeria

      Nigeria’s Giant

      Dangote Oil

      Refinery Starting

      to Make Gasoline.







      Africa’s largest oil refinery is on the verge of producing substantial volumes of gasoline, marking a significant milestone with the potential to reshape both African and global energy markets.


      Once operating at full capacity, the refinery will process 650,000 barrels of oil per day, with over half of this output being converted into gasoline.


      This increase in production is expected to be positively received within Nigeria, as the national oil company—Nigeria’s primary fuel importer—has reported challenges in maintaining gasoline supply due to rising debt and escalating prices.


      The output from Dangote’s refinery is poised to influence fuel trade worth billions of dollars, both regionally and internationally. Nigeria, which remains a major global consumer of gasoline, imported nearly 250,000 barrels per day last year, primarily from Europe, according to data from the analytics firm Vortexa Ltd.



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